Saturday, November 13, 2004

mind vomit

so i'm blogging now.
i dont know what it is...
but it's what i'm doin and better yet....
it's what you're reading.

generally speaking...i've always thought personal webpages and dairies and journals were pretty l-a-m-e. i mean...who cares? u know? who cares if u're sad today and happy tomorrow? really?

but since ive never possessed the lame gene i figured i could make this cool. i can make anything cool (*insert* courtney 'lite skinned- curly haired' made me do this).
anyway it'll be funni. riveting. a real cliff hanger. you'll care. promise.
and i mean...if u don't agree...u should probably just...u know... leave.

so the way this works....from what i
1) i write in a very self-absorbed manner.
2) you read.

i like this.

I get to pontificate.
i love that word.
...mostly because it is exactly what i will do.

i mean...ive always had a penchant for writing and lettin my slightly touched mind out of its cage. and although IM away messages (somethin else i de-lamed) were practical for awhile...that stupid "character limit" rule was startin to get a bit old....

but here. in blog land....

there is no limit.

speakin of limits...

they suck.

....especially when my tortured soul has been in steady withdrawal since i packed up my paint brushes, oils and canvases, mind and life as i knew it... and moved to new york cit-tay. i dunno....its just very ironic to me that i can't paint in my 'studio' apartment. i wonder who the brilliant one was that coined the word and then made it virtually impossible to set up a canvas anywhere else but on the stove or in the bathtub...on the couch... or on the bed. or near your very white curtains.

so here i sit with all this pent up cReAtIvE energy and nowhere to purge it except in the the dirty streets of new york....martini in hand..yelling about

but now.
now...i blog.

aren't u psyched?!

but first,

3 things:
...this is where i will purge my mind. 'mind vomit' so to speak. i suggest you proceed with extreme caution.

...don't expect to leave with some deep, profound understanding of my life...or your life....or other people's lives. its vomit. it'll probably reek of things you would rather i not share. but you'll probably keep readin anyway 'cuz u're bored and have nothing better to do.

...dont share your own ideas with me. i dont care. this is my bloggy blog.
