Sunday, November 14, 2004

nay's mind vomit

----email followin the events of nov.02.04 by naomi iwasaki------

so this week sucked, am i right? wednesday morning the city that never sleeps was literally somber and people were walking to work with their heads down. not in a bundled up, it's freakin cold and winter's coming kind of down. you kno what i'm talking about.
rage, frustration, disbelief, disgust...yeah i'm feeling all that. for sure. putting a name to and making sense of the simple question 'how?' has dominated most of the convo's i've been in. both in and outta class. mostly we come to the agreement that the middle and southern part of this country sucks. they're retarded. they're bumpkins. they're jesus freaked bibleheads. and dude. bush's camp sure understood that.

i wouldn't have even thought about what 'the other side' was thinking were it not for my public policy class today.
of course we were talking about the elections, exit polls, voter values, all that. someone was talking about how bush really touched the christian southerners who identify with his 'values.' yeah we all roll our eyes here near the oceans, but these bubba sparxxx and marshall mather's live in a world of adamant heterosexuality, school prayer and sundays in church. they don't understand why we support pride parades and spend sundays in bball gyms or sobering up from the night before. my prof brought up an interview how W was being questioned on the war. after being asked if he had consulted his father about iraq, W responds with 'i consulted a higher father.' most of the class scoffed. i too was guilty of rolling my eyes.

then this guy from tennessee spoke up. he's progressive, a kerry supporter, he's in my freakin grad school of public service for dude's sake. he was debating whether or not to speak up, but i'm glad he did. he called us on our arrogance. that scoffing, he said, is exactly the arrogance that fundamentalist christian southerners feel from the north and west. they don't identify with academics using big words to talk about foreign policy and economic deficits. they don't like the idea of a rich stiff from the northeast representing a change to their way of life--even if that is a life of sheltered ideals that we don't understand. but bush understood that, reached out to those people, and collected their electoral votes on the way to victory. that brought me to a halt. i had been rolling my eyes at this man's family.

it's too late to say i'm not gonna get all preachy as this is the most sober (ha) xanga blog ever. i'm just sayin, he won. it's done. and it feels good to call everyone in the dirty south stupid. it's easy to write them off as rural midwestern hicks who's father, son and homeboy is jesus. but that probably cost the democrats the election of 2004. in reality those 'hicks' got used. some shrewd ass political strategist took what they believed and felt, and fueled that fire to get them to the polls in droves. i don't understand why some people in this country can identify with bush. but flip the coin and they don't understand how some of my friends can identify as gay. that's that shit you can't argue. and coming up with humorous ways of degrading them definitely licks our wounds of investing more into this election than any other. but it sure won't get them to vote their state blue in 08.

don't get me wrong, i'm the most cynical bitch ever. judgemental, hater, eye-roller. oh and i'm pretty arrogant, too. (you all kno this. i believe that's why we're friends) but dude, people are fucken people everywhere. we all wanna live our lives. i want to drink til dawn and wear nikes and spit on the sidewalks. and not get judged. no one does. including everyone who voted for the devil last tuesday. too bad kerry's camp didn't reach out to all the other disenfranchised groups in this country the way bush's camp did. new york probably wouldn't be so sad.