Wednesday, March 02, 2005

dear mom and pops, today in school I learned that...

Synopsis: following their evening urban economics class, three students from a school of public service casually discuss key societal ills...pondering the methods in which positive change 'for the sake of the children' might be set in motion.

naomi: i should, like, take a poll just to see the different drugs that people are into now...u know.....just cuz....
scott: yea..totally
tosin: yea...i guess...
naomi: is it heroine...
scott: crack...?
tosin: or like coke....or somethin?
scott/naomi (in unison): ok. eeeeeeveryone uses coke.
tosin: they do?really?.......oh wow. no idea...
scott: yea...why is that anyway? why coke again?
naomi: i dunno....its like...u know...the '80s are making a comeback....?...we're back in the 80s!!
tosin: yea...but....i mean, didn't we learn anything from the 80s..?!?!? i mean..think about it...where are all those cokeheads now?
naomi: ceo's...?
scott: running fortune 500 companies....?
naomi: living in pent houses...?
scott: personal jets....?
naomi:they own whole entire islands....?
scott: that they name after themselves...?


scott: strutting lions across their coffee tables while they snort more coke....?