Back But Not Quite in Effect

I know what you're thinking: Girl, where have you beeeeen!?
I know, I know....
it's been awhile.
Let's just say I took a quick vacation to a little place called hell.
it wasn't every nice.
I don't really remember good service or anything like that. weather was like, my own personal gray cloud complete with rain hanging over my head. all moments were basically non-kodak moments.
In fact, I wouldn't recommend it as your next vacation destination.
However, if you know someone who you think might be quite comfy there, please....feel free to recommend it to them.
Well, I'm back now.
A little scathed, pieces of my mind missing.....
but apart from that, I'll say I'm pretty intact.
it also happens to be that time of year.
u know...that time of year. when this blog gets the most booty
mostly because I have more important things to be doing......which 1)i'm not doing or 2)don't take up enough of my time
namely, finance...60page papers....thesis projects....20 pagers....excel sheets...people watching ...talkin on the phone.....interning...eating whole pies in one sitting....listenin to my landlords fight with my ear pressed against the wall...accounting...relaxing my own hair and hoping it doesn't fall out (which it didnt, thank God)....polishing my nails then picking it off....and other such things.
u get the point. such very very important things.
instead, I sneak off here....into my once neglected blog.....stealing bits of time from my true mission on earth (not quite sure what that is yet...but i dare say it aint blogging) to write in that self absorbed way I always do because I flippantly assume you give a raccoon's rotund ass.
which you do....right?
I'm sure i'll be back here as I face more responsibilities and realities in my real life that I wish to run away from. For now, I'm going to leave you with this thought provoking quote:
"patty cake, patty cake. microwave" - Young Jeezy
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