The Question of a "Do-Over"

Song of the Day: Fela "Go Slow"
Website of the Day: (...cuz, in this cruel, cruel too, dear friend, can be just like Zidane)
I guess technically it could be tough to make a call on the Zidane-Materazzi fiasco. 'cuz like...who is to blame? do you fault a man for head butting the shit out of a man who wouldnt stop talkin shit? or do you fault the man who kept provoking? or at the end of the day, do you fault the man who appears to have lacked the judgement & restraint great men often seem to possess in the face of garbage talking monkeys? Heck, do you just throw ur hands up and fault both? or better yet, do you not give a flying flip....because when it's all said and done...that was one damn good, "somebody puhhh-leazzzzzee play it back in slo' mo'" World Cup worthy headbutt?
Personally, I can't judge Zidane for reacting to what Materazzi muttered to him repeatedly on the field. Which according to varied world reports and several international lip readers went something like "mother...sister....terrorist....goat...whore.....dum dum.....yo daddy....chicken butt.....say my name bitch"....or something along those lines. Thing is....who knows? Well....Zidane knows. But he's not telling ....*shrug*...your guess is as good as mine. Materazzi knows too & while he admits to insulting Zidane, says "i would never say anything about anyone's mother 'cuz my mother died years ago and I still get emotional about it"...or something like that. Sounds to me like a lame attempt at gaining sympathy while footing a weak lie. In either case, I think in situations like this.....its hard to say what should have been done or not done. But truth is........well, look, i'm just gonna go ahead and pass some judgement on this:
Truth is......when one reaches a certain pinnacle in life....lets imagine it as a mountain must look down at all the lonely, miserable souls below whose air you're glad you no longer have to breathe...and realize, at the very same time, that the smallest slip.....slightest mis-step could send one plummeting to the bottom right back with those peasants or if lucky, just a few notches slightly below where one was originally placed...which would then techincally still be the top...but only kinda sorta...and not really. The world is just an unforgiving place. Human beings have short memories and often times, it's the oddly misplaced bad in the sea of good that stands out. Its just the way things are. Think...Clinton.
Like, to many Americans...Clinton belongs in the ranks of the greatest American Presidents. But then, even though we might remember him as being so great, we also will always remember him as the president who had an affair with a White House intern. A very cheap & pudgy looking one at that. We just will. Aint no getting around that. I bet if Clinton could call a "do-over", he would have passed on the offer staring at him from under his oval room desk. and i bet you it wasn't even that great...
So yea, even though Zidane is insisting that he doesnt regret headbutting Materazzi's pus filled chest, I have a feeling that if he could call a "do-over", he would just skip that part and maybe....a year later...heck, a few months to Italy, get into a pub brawl with Materazzi and whoop the straight monkey outta him with his Golden Ball. Like, "bitch!....whose momma now!!?!" But he didn't. Instead he chose to react right then and end his awesome career on a slightly off-note....spending days apologizing to folks...especially the kids....& explaining himself to the French people. Unfortunately, all this comes too late because now when history is written and people remember, they'll never forget to add the taint somewhere in the story of Zidane....
I guess what I'm just sayin' is.....sometimes in life....Especially in instances when you realize that a wrong choice could tarnish your very character/legacy/or previous acts of gotta ask yourself......"somewhere along the line, I'm i gonna wanna call a "do-over" for this?" If the answer is should take a split second to re-consider....realizing that a go at instant gratification could be a set up for life long regret. Personally, I think its the devil's greatest trick yet....
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