Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Rain, Rain, Puh-leazzzeee Go Away...

Hurricane Ernesto kicked my ass last week. Like, literally. You might have seen me.
I was the tall, gangly chick screaming and cussin in the middle of the sidewalk as I got knocked about, pissed on, and disrespected by Hurricane E.
This was the first time ive ever been abused by a man. This will also be the LAST time.

So horrid was Hurricane E, that I felt slightly triumphant at having made it home.
That is, as opposed to having been swept away & dumped in a filthy gutter somewhere- never to be seen or heard from again.

Rain, like most things, has the potential to have two very extreme effects on me.

I'm either sky high off of hearing raindrops outside my window as I bury myself deep under my covers.


I'm extremely depressed & devastated off of having to get out of bed to go to work.

Yesterday, I spent my first few morning minutes laying in bed cursing everything that told me I needed to get up & go to work. NOT a good way to start a morning.
Even tho I was running 30 mins late, I took my time putting on some cute work know... so my entire being wouldnt reveal my state of absolute the random passerby wouldn't see me on the corner of K & 16th and think "Goodness. She looks like she's in an absolute state of despair".

In spite of my clothes, the shitty feeling of doom hung about. I closed my office door and pretty much alternated between wallowing in work & self pity. I asked myself.....Why does it have to rain on the weekday?? Why do i HAVE to come to work??? Whyyyyyy!?! Whyyyyy ME??! *crying inside*

When I finally dragged my pitiful ass home, I dumped my entire body onto the couch and sulked like someone just told me I wasn't invited to their party. Like, the Rain on the Weekend When I get to Stay in Bed all Day Party.

So, four days of suck ass weather behind me, I feel like i'm returning to my normal self.
I even watched my first episode--the season opener---of Nip Tuck.

I think I might have found a new obsession.