Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Breasty issues

i have somethin to share.

its actually been weighing heavily on my mind and u know....i cant even sleep well at nite.
I'm serious.

ok... so like, i was on the train with annette and in walks a youngster. you know....the type u would refer to as 'young man'. so like, 4yrs old. or maybe 5yrs old. whatever.
the point is... he talks. he walks. he's whining. he's awfully cute.

anyway, there i am mindin my life when his mother......well, i hope it was his mother....

either way, she pops her entire breast in his mouth.....as a mother goat would, lets say... a billy goat.

in a panic, my eyes fluttered all over the place and i gaped...my brain grappled for some deeper meaning.
...... as the young man's teeth tugged at the tender areola, i wondered- 'am i dreamin?'??.

but ann confirmed the crime.

i feel i ought to be understanding as i am a product of africa...(born and fed)....... where such is commonplace. but i mean..the boy was 10yrs old! He just can't go around requesting breast insertions! I mean.....this is how boys end up men with oral fixations (not necessarily bad)....but sometimes...way extra( sometimes). i mean...u know...????
like... he'll never see a breast without thinking 'grrrrr...foooood!" or somethin like that.
i mean......i'm not sure i'm bringing out the worst in this situation....but certainly you would agree that there is a level of oddity to the whole thing.

.......i've been starin @this child services webpage all day.