Thursday, June 15, 2006

Very Important Question of the Day

Why do people say "you can't have your cake and eat it too"?

It almost drove me mad standing under the shower....trying to figure i got bamboozled into saying such rubbish. such bugaloo. What have i been...brainwashed?

'cuz like....why? Why can't i have my cake and, in fact, eat it too?
like, what else am i supposed to do with the damn cake? Admire it and keep it in my pocket?
I mean, I've said this phrase countless times in my 23 years.... in the most serious of situations with the most serious of faces. ...and meant it. I've said it with omph and felt clever afterwards. I've done so much with this phrase. Goodness....I'm so distressed. I mean, i have to check myself to see if I've been jumping on any other bandwagons of foolish sayings and foolish do-ings in general.
I mean, in a world of common and logical sayings such as "a rolling stone gathers no moss" "make hay while the sun shines" and "shake that laffy taffy"...someone comes up with "you can't have your cake and eat it too"?

and then everyone follows the stupid leader and makes it one of the most popular sayings of all time.

We can do better people.

so much better...

Save the children. Stop the spread of stupid sayings.