Thursday, July 13, 2006

Roller Coaster Video

Beyonce's new video is quite possibly the most excessive & nauseating music video I've seen in a long time. SO much going on at the very, same, exact time and @ a very very fast rate. Talk about sensory overdrive! Now, anyone who knows me... knows i have a huge crush on B...'cuz she's so 'frikkin fly and on top of her game.....but damn, I kinda felt like throwing up after watching her new video. like maybe I just got off a roller coaster ride at six flags. not-a-good-feeling.

Add to this the fact that I fail to understand the concept behind the lyrics to this song. its very clear she didn't consult Webster before mis-using the word "deja-vu". which, according to Kara, "makes it sound like she's suffering from paranoid schizophrenia...not deja-vu".


I'm just sayin', you might just wanna watch this on an empty stomach so you don't hurl up your last meal...

p.s. NOTE TO JAY-Z (still my fave rapper of all time): You are hereby banned from appearing in any more of B's videos. One was enough. Two is extra. Thanks.