Monday, July 17, 2006

Life in a Zoo...

I'm not like, 100% sure....but I think the phrase, "Peace in the Middle East", coined when I was in elementary school circa the Gulf War, is about to experience a record-breaking surge in popularity.
......because, i mean, what in the greasy hot hell is really goin on over there?

like....really. for crying outloud. Can we, for the sake of common decency....take a number, get in line, and fight one war at a time? I mean, raise your hand if you randomly thought sometime last week..."oh, i know! Lebanon & Israel are going to war this week!"
Also, raise your hand if you think dear old Israel should be tired of always being in the "mix" by now? Aren't they worn out & tired from centuries upon centuries of unrest and conflict....over Jesus...over land...over stuff in general? Wouldn't you, dear Israelite, like to one day go out and think "boy...we havent had a PIECE of conflict in the past 3 days!!...what a lovely day!"
I dunno about you... but it seems astonishingly ironic that the birth place of the Messiah also happens to be one of the top two places where you're most likely to get hit by a stray missile.

Add to ALL of this....that when I woke up this morning, I thought I'd gone straight to hell. After all, what other explanation could there be as to why it was 100 degrees hotter...than the hinges of hell's 6am?
and to think...people still wanna fight. in this crazy ass heat.
I dunno....i guess i'm glad everyone is hard at work fulfilling the signs of the apocalypse. or at the very least, prepping for WWW III. warms my heart. really, it does.

I'm telling you, the more I think about it, the more I realize that the theory of evolution is all wrong. for one, 99% of the world did not evolve. No. In fact, contrary to this....they remained as monkeys and bought human costumes to wear around town.
Personally, I believe I belong in the 1% that evolved....I mostly know this to be the certified truth because most of the in every waking minute of every day.... when I look around...I dont believe I'm fit to live in this world along with goats & monkeys dressed in full human regalia.

What to make of all this conflict in the world...where human life seems to no longer hold any value....where tomfoolery is the order of the day? I think Thomas Hobbes said it best when he stated....somewhere in his literary droning...that human life in its natural state is simply, " solitary, poor, nasty, brutish & short".

Pretty depressing I know. But i'll be damned if it aint true....