Stale Vanilla & Soda Crackers + New Pen Pal
Song of the Day: Jill Scott's "Not Like Crazy"
I havent been home early enough to catch the 6:30 evening news for months now. I've been kinda bummed about it...'cuz if there's one thing i's keep up with news.
Its like, CNN & MSNBC just don't have the same flavor the evening news has & no matter how many hours a day I stay logged on to, I still feel like I'm missing that evening news touch...that last lil' kick.
I mean...i guess i could have DVRed it... but....u not like, tryin to be the highest caliber of dork here.
I mean, i did entertain the idea for a quick sec. i'll admit that. But this is SO besides the point...
Also, i'd like to say that I'd choose BBC any day over any news broadcast being filtered by the American media. But again....i deviate.
Point had the unfortunate experience of catching Katie Couric on CBS.
Now, I'm always one to support a woman on her way to the top. Nothing like the warm tingly feeling i get when i see a cut-throat Queen of the World stepping on a few dozen testicles as she climbs up the corporate ladder.
but then there's Katie "the boring-est newscaster alive" Couric.
The difference between her and old, wizened Dan Rather escapes me.
As i watched her slowlyyyyyyyy do what she doesssssss ever so stifflyyyy....with her biege outfit & limp hairrrr..... i began to slowllllyyyyyyy have a strange craving for some extra dry soda crackers with a dash of stale vanilla
Perhaps i'm not being clear.
Our Katie's boring.
very boring. extremely boring. painfully boring. more boring than watching your grandfather sleep in front of a fuzzy tv. boring like being in solitary confinement without the voices in ur head to keep you company. boring like *yawn* *yawn* *yawn*
JEEZ Couric! Where's your pizzazz....? "omph"??! your newscaster attraction???
You know, as much as I'm all for the empowerment of this moment...i would like to BEG Katie to please show some cleavage ASAP...maybe first thing, KAPOW! BREASTS! Also, I would like to request some bounce in her very flat hair. Also, maybe some sparkle in her eyes and a dash of personality. Thanks.
In other news, I just got my iPod fixed with the help of some very nice guys over at the customer service center in India somewhere. As Arun, Abhijit and I sent emails back and forth.....I realized that we had sent more emails than most email relationships ever see. Not to speak of the politeness! the sincerity! the usefulness! None of that..."can i toggle your iPod" kinda talk. So, I briefly considered sending the following:
Hey Abhijit (i picked him 'cuz even his pre-formatted customer service letters seemed to give a hint of some I kinda like the sound of his name coming from my mouth),
iPod's all better. Thanks so much:) How's the weather in India? Weather down here is know....60-ish. Kinda brisk. Not bad. What are your plans for the weekend? I'll probably go out with some friends this weekend. I'm currently listening to Lil' Wayne & Panic! at the Disco on my iPod. What do you like to listen to? Write me back!
Your pen pal,
p.s. are you married? If so, do not reply to this email. If not, please hit reply. Thanks!
too strong? or just *right*?
I havent been home early enough to catch the 6:30 evening news for months now. I've been kinda bummed about it...'cuz if there's one thing i's keep up with news.
Its like, CNN & MSNBC just don't have the same flavor the evening news has & no matter how many hours a day I stay logged on to, I still feel like I'm missing that evening news touch...that last lil' kick.
I mean...i guess i could have DVRed it... but....u not like, tryin to be the highest caliber of dork here.
I mean, i did entertain the idea for a quick sec. i'll admit that. But this is SO besides the point...
Also, i'd like to say that I'd choose BBC any day over any news broadcast being filtered by the American media. But again....i deviate.
Point had the unfortunate experience of catching Katie Couric on CBS.
Now, I'm always one to support a woman on her way to the top. Nothing like the warm tingly feeling i get when i see a cut-throat Queen of the World stepping on a few dozen testicles as she climbs up the corporate ladder.
but then there's Katie "the boring-est newscaster alive" Couric.
The difference between her and old, wizened Dan Rather escapes me.
As i watched her slowlyyyyyyyy do what she doesssssss ever so stifflyyyy....with her biege outfit & limp hairrrr..... i began to slowllllyyyyyyy have a strange craving for some extra dry soda crackers with a dash of stale vanilla
Perhaps i'm not being clear.
Our Katie's boring.
very boring. extremely boring. painfully boring. more boring than watching your grandfather sleep in front of a fuzzy tv. boring like being in solitary confinement without the voices in ur head to keep you company. boring like *yawn* *yawn* *yawn*
JEEZ Couric! Where's your pizzazz....? "omph"??! your newscaster attraction???
You know, as much as I'm all for the empowerment of this moment...i would like to BEG Katie to please show some cleavage ASAP...maybe first thing, KAPOW! BREASTS! Also, I would like to request some bounce in her very flat hair. Also, maybe some sparkle in her eyes and a dash of personality. Thanks.
In other news, I just got my iPod fixed with the help of some very nice guys over at the customer service center in India somewhere. As Arun, Abhijit and I sent emails back and forth.....I realized that we had sent more emails than most email relationships ever see. Not to speak of the politeness! the sincerity! the usefulness! None of that..."can i toggle your iPod" kinda talk. So, I briefly considered sending the following:
Hey Abhijit (i picked him 'cuz even his pre-formatted customer service letters seemed to give a hint of some I kinda like the sound of his name coming from my mouth),
iPod's all better. Thanks so much:) How's the weather in India? Weather down here is know....60-ish. Kinda brisk. Not bad. What are your plans for the weekend? I'll probably go out with some friends this weekend. I'm currently listening to Lil' Wayne & Panic! at the Disco on my iPod. What do you like to listen to? Write me back!
Your pen pal,
p.s. are you married? If so, do not reply to this email. If not, please hit reply. Thanks!
too strong? or just *right*?
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