
Today, I woke up missing my linesisters. You have to understand, these 10 people were practically my lifeline for what, seemed like TEN solid ass years. As in, "gosh, I feel like i've known you for a decade". We have laughed, cried, fought, and all 10 slept in the same one room at some point in time. We know each other's worst habits and best traits. We poke fun at each other and are always there for one another even if we have to say "i told ur bitch ass so".
(from r-l)There's Shontay, who has a really quiet whispery voice that has a certain sing-song quality to that when she yells "fire! run!" it sounds like you should hold hands and sway, not run. her catch phrase is "i'm bored. lets go play". So young at heart is she, you could easily find yourself jumping rope or sing along'ing with her or as was the case with her and chemere, going to get your hair dyed at a white salon for absolutely no reason and looking like an electrocuted cooper haired barbie doll afterwards. you should also ask her about her different dabblings into body piercing.
Then there's Jerri. Jerri's somewhat of a special breed of human. a rare type of person. Her thought process is backwards and you probably wouldn't get it unless you're her linesister or mother. Jerri would probably die for a total of11 people...her dog topher included. She has a tart, slightly offensive sense of humor...some would call it being a "jerk", but to us, its standard cuz its pretty much the only sense of humor that flows since its pretty much the only sense of humor we all use. jerri's appears to be the resident psychologist on the line. Which is funni, cuz she's just as cuckoo as the rest. She often refers to me as "Africa". She also likens herself to a celebrity. And truth is, she is. You'll most likely find jerri roaming the streets with topher...just being...u
Then there's Fisher. As in Crystal Fisher. She's easy going and knew all the athletes on a purely platonic manner. As in, she would walk around and all the dudes would be like "yo! crystal!" just to talk to her about sports stats or somethin. I always thought it so frikkin sexxy that she could do that. Fisher's also top of the charts with that sense of humor i spoke of earlier. Basically, if she's feelin it, she's speakin it. So pretti much if she feels like u should go screw urself,she'll say something like "u should go screw urself". sweeeet. I miss that like I miss a cheddar tray meal from Cookout. oh and She's so damned smart, she can do like, complex mathematical calculations in her mind. heck, she could probably try her hand at being a nuclear physicist and make it look like a piece of cheesecake.
Where are we? ah yes, in KimGay. She hates it when we call her that. But its quite unfortunate that her real name is Kim Gay, so like..she has no argument for why we can't call her that. Right. Anyhoo, KimGay. honestly she makes the BEST strawberry shortcake in the whole ENTIRE world. she would have have strawberries and cream and gooeyness just oozing out of the cake. I don't even know why I ever left that girl. Now I pay $5 for a slice of the same subpar creation at Juniors Cheesecake. The fun thing with KimGay is that she's so unpredictable. once, I remember, we were all sitting in my room....talkin and carryin on..and then we looked around and KimGay was missing. and so was Jerri's dog. Apparently, she felt like taking Topher away for awhile and just didn't think it necessary to tell the dog's mother. We caught her walkin really fast down the sidewalk. She swears she wasnt kidnappin topher..but just "borrowing" her, but who knows? Unpredictable is who she is. KimGay, having been a cheerleader since conception was the founder of one the best dance clubs at Wake...and she was also our stepmaster. This meant, she would come in with the most complex moves known to them really fast, and then say, very casually, "u got that?"
Courtney Raines Barksdale. The name obviously sounds very BAP (Black American Princess). The name also sounds as though her parents sat together one night, right before she was born and said "so what name do you think would be befitting of our future lawyer daughter?" That's exactly how that happened in my mind. The girl probably pisses law. She's also very light skinned and has yards of bouncy curly hair. The kind that makes u say "what are you?".lol. I remember when we spent summer in NY together, all these latino guys would be like "como estas mami?" hahahha. and she would be all like "i'm BLACK!". Funni thing is she's probably going to marry a very yellow guy with the last name "perez". hahahha. it gets funnier and funnier. Barksdale's in line to be the first black female president. She also wears a "S" on her chest under her daytime clothes. That's just how much the girl does. Everytime I feel as though I'm doing way too much, I just think of Barksdale and I keep it moving....
So i'm halfway thru my online reminiscing of my linesisters....I'll be back soon to wrap up the the meantime...i can smell i think i need a shower
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