Monday, September 18, 2006

Woman Kills Man with Bare Hands

Song of the Day(and on heavy rotation): Raheem Devaughn's "You"

My dad sent me this link sometime this weekend:

His email read..."Funny?"

The link ended up being a story about a 51-yr old woman who killed an intruder with her "bare hands". Cops later found out the intruder was actually a hitman hired by her estranged husband.

Basically, she killed this man by choking the shit out of him.

I'm also thinking that she then whooped his ass with his own claw hammer.
I mean the article doesn't say that.
But I'm pretty sure she did.

In either case, I didn't find it funny.


I found it HIL-A-RIOUS.

especially the "with her bare hands..." & "....a large woman, she was eventually able to get the slight [intruder] into a chokehold...." part.

I'm sure the hitman...wherever he mad as HELL (which, coincidentally, might also be his current address) that her husband conveniently forgot to mention that his ex-wife had proportions probably similar to that of a sumo wrestler.

oh. he's probably also mad at himself for bringing a claw hammer to the opposed to....
oh i dunno...............................a double barrel?

He's probably thinking he needed to die for that.