Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Somethin' like a whore

I like how I had painstakingly planned out this coming weekend...every detail....like a few weeks ago....& how, when I got to work yesterday, my boss was all like "you're traveling to the City this weekend...project came up".

I liked how when his lips were moving, it sounded like he said "bitch. bend over."

I especially liked how I smiled and nodded like nothing in this whole wide world could have made me happier. Gleeful even.

I mean. I love the City, but mostly when I'm playing. Not working.

I even had a stupid lil' motto i made up to go with this clever idea: "Work in DC. Play in the City".

It made sense in my head. even had a 'lil ring to it.

Now that motto has become: "Hello. I work on saturdays. sundays too. in all area codes. & on very short notice. basically, i'm a work whore."

See? That doesn't make as much sense. and it has no ring.