Monday, November 21, 2005

This Month's Obsessions

ok. so my birthday wasn't quite as bad as I imagined. (you have to're dealing with a dramatic individual). anyway, it wasn't as horrid as I had imagined mostly because I believe I just postponed the horrid-ity, much like the celebration, to sometime next month. Don't ask why. I just know.

on to this month's obsessions:

5.Apple pie and cool whip (that would be the whole, entire, wimpy slices)
4.Pasta, olive oil, dry cheese (no sauce)...delish
3. Mango Sorbet (right after downing one whole cinnabon)....dis-gusting and good all at the same time
2. not jumping on a scale 'cuz i couldn't gain weight if someone paid me. ha-ha suckas!
1. accepting that eating to compensate for what ever i'm trying to compensate for is a perfectly acceptable way to go about things.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Raincheck Please

My birthday's like...almost here. and its sad...but the only thing i can think of that's special about this year's 23rd birthday (apart from the constant, never changing "i'm so grateful to be alive and kicking" assertions) is that november babies are probably babies who were conceived during that very sacred time we all know, love or detest or like me, have no feeling whatsoever about....called valentine's day.

i remember this one year in nigeria when my father denounced it as just another "remnant of colonialism...not deserving of observation..." and then quickly went on his way to buy my mom a gift. I guess its good for something.

sooo...i'm a product of some boots knockin' that went on circa valentine's day of 1982. i guess that's special. but in a way, its also quite ironic since i also have one of the most pessimistic views of love in anyone i know. at least...that what some people call it: "pessimistic". I call it "pragmatic"....a very seasoned form of pragmatism at that. big difference.

I came up with this special birthday connection to st.valentines 'cuz i pretty much concluded a few weeks back that '05 had been an utter, total, and complete bust. Realizing this bust led me to a point of panic which i quickly resolved by making up this valentine's day BS which made it seem like this year wasn't such a waste. Sometimes, when I'm trying to put a not so dark spin on it, i'll just say "this year didn't look so good on me"...."not a good fit so to speak".

It would be quite nice if '06 were kinder or at the very least...if it could manage to spread out the nastiness over periods like...lets say, every 3-4 months 'cuz the way it went this year left me saying stupid ole cliche things like: "boy. when it rains, it sureee does pour!" and "oh my, when the shit hits the really does spray it everywhere lemme tell ya!"

so that's it...the special-ness behind my birthday this year: I was conceived in or around the spirit of st. valentines. I don't know how wack that sounds to you....but it should sound pretty wack...cuz is.

Carrie (my cubicle mate at the internship) says a lot of girls spend their 23rd birthdays sitting in a corner of their apartment or laying under the covers...crying over a tub of ice cream...listening to ballads from back when.
I was so impressed 'cuz it was like she read my mind! she knew EXACTLY what I had planned for my birthday celebration! amazing. Rach called me the other night and said something about going out for drinks with nay and some other folks after class. yea....she didn't read my mind so well.

I mean, I'd love to invite folks to my lil' party, but something tells me they won't enjoy it half as much as I will.

In a way, I think the purging in my apartment thing will be symbolic. kinda like coming to the end of a real tough race but knowing it isn't over and just needing some time to break down before starting it all over again. (ok so....generally speaking, today's been a long day for me. but just accept that analogy for what it is...)

Don't get me wrong. I'm not completely passing on the "act a fool 'cuz its my birthday" celebration, instead...i'm just taking a raincheck for some random day in decemeber when I decide i need an absolutely unreasonable excuse to act like an idiot at somebody's bar.

Look for me. I'll be the black mohawked chick on top of the bar yelling "happy birthday to me! merry xmas to you!"

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Life is short. Don't let it pass you by

I decided sometime today...between my first and fourth slice of apple pie with a dollop of cool whip on top that I'm going to start living in a bigger way. a more engaged way. an active, fulfilling way. a way that lets my love of life shine through. a way that lets the world know that life is short and should be lived to the fullest . a way that says "hi, i'm tosin and i'm living life today 'cuz it isnt guaranteed tomorrow."

That is to say: I've got to get Tivo hooked up in this piece.


i just can't go on missing all these great shows that I never have time to watch 'cuz my life has been taken over by other people's demands.

I will not let life pass me by.

I need my Tivo.

Friday, November 11, 2005


has anyone seen my self respect?
Please call me if you do.


There's no reward. I just heard somewhere that it was missing and since its mine and all, i figured i should want it back.

thanks again-



Back But Not Quite in Effect

I know what you're thinking: Girl, where have you beeeeen!?

I know, I know....
it's been awhile.

Let's just say I took a quick vacation to a little place called hell.
it wasn't every nice.
I don't really remember good service or anything like that. weather was like, my own personal gray cloud complete with rain hanging over my head. all moments were basically non-kodak moments.


In fact, I wouldn't recommend it as your next vacation destination.

However, if you know someone who you think might be quite comfy there, please....feel free to recommend it to them.


Well, I'm back now.
A little scathed, pieces of my mind missing.....
but apart from that, I'll say I'm pretty intact.

it also happens to be that time of year.
u know...that time of year. when this blog gets the most booty
mostly because I have more important things to be doing......which 1)i'm not doing or 2)don't take up enough of my time
namely, finance...60page papers....thesis projects....20 pagers....excel sheets...people watching ...talkin on the phone.....interning...eating whole pies in one sitting....listenin to my landlords fight with my ear pressed against the wall...accounting...relaxing my own hair and hoping it doesn't fall out (which it didnt, thank God)....polishing my nails then picking it off....and other such things.

u get the point. such very very important things.

instead, I sneak off here....into my once neglected blog.....stealing bits of time from my true mission on earth (not quite sure what that is yet...but i dare say it aint blogging) to write in that self absorbed way I always do because I flippantly assume you give a raccoon's rotund ass.

which you do....right?

I'm sure i'll be back here as I face more responsibilities and realities in my real life that I wish to run away from. For now, I'm going to leave you with this thought provoking quote:

"patty cake, patty cake. microwave" - Young Jeezy